Fishing Line Selection and Joining Braided Lines to Fluorocarbon Fishing Line
What fishing line to use? The debate between which line to use has been a hot topic among those who fish for a very long time. Quite possibly, this debate has been ongoing since the hook and fishing line was invented. In modern times, the basic answer comes down to personal preference and the type of fish you want to catch. The reality is that some fish have better eyesight than others.
We are not going to get too deep into this ongoing debate. We are also not going to get involved in the debate of which brand of fluorocarbon leader is better. Much of this debate boils down to more of a personal preference than objective, readily available, non-biased, concrete data on which fishing line is best, but we hope to shed some light on some of the modern lines available today so you can make an informed decision when you purchase line at a fishing supply store or online.
Monofilament Fishing Line - monofilament fishing lines tend to be more abrasion-resistant than both fluorocarbon and super braid lines. Monofilament lines also tend to have more flexibility and durability than both super braid lines and fluorocarbon fishing lines; however, it seems that fish tend to see monofilament better then fluorocarbon fishing lines. Line visibility seems to be a deterrent when fishing for some fish species.
Super Braid Fishing Lines - the use of super braids in fishing has changed the way we fish. Super braids generally have a smaller diameter so more line can be put on a fishing reel. For example, a 20 lb. test monofilament fishing line has a similar diameter as 50lbs – 65lbs Super braid so a smaller reel with much stronger fishing line can be used. Super braid has less stretch than monofilament and fluorocarbon fishing lines. Less stretch means more sensitivity. You can feel more of the bumps and bites from fish when you use it. Though braided fishing lines can hold the weight, it does tend to be the easiest cut of all of the fishing lines when rubbed against sharp objects - including sharp rocks when pulled tight and under a load.
Fluorocarbon Fishing Line – fluorocarbon fishing line is a good choice of line if you are looking for a line that is super difficult for fish to see in the water and something that has a similar abrasion resistance as monofilament fishing lines. According to experts, fish cannot see fluorocarbon fishing lines. However, I think the more accurate statement is fish have a much harder time seeing fluorocarbon fishing lines than the line being 100% invisible to fish.
For most fishing applications we are looking for a cross between fluorocarbon fishing line and super braid. The best of both worlds is the strength and sensitivity of braided line and the invisibility and added abrasion resistance of fluorocarbon fishing lines. One of the ways to accomplish this is to join a braided mainline to a fluorocarbon fishing line leader.
Following are two excellent strong knots that work extremely well in joining super braid to fluorocarbon or monofilament fishing lines. These two knots, when tied correctly, seem to move through the eyes of fishing rods easily compared to some of the more commonly used knots to join braided line to fluorocarbon fishing lines:
The FG Knot
The Alberto Knot
Happy fishing!